Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 7 - Slushy Morning ='s Treadmill

    I knew this morning was going to be a slushy mess so I decided it was best to stay off the roads and use the treadmill instead.  Luckily I was working out of Milford today so I could use the gym at work to get my run completed.

    Let me put it blunt...I HATE TREADMILLS.  I feel like they are not accurate at all and will either make you feel like The Flash or like a Fat Ass.  I ran 3 miles at a 10:00/mile pace, burned 470 calories and completed my run in 30 mins.  I weighed myself today after my run and I came in at 182.4 lbs.  I'm not sure what weight I'm trying to be, but I continue to tweek my eating to get more healthy. 

    Tomorrow I am looking to do a 5 Mile run in the morning at Hanscom.

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